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基本英語表達 III

無論是認識新朋友、或與之前經已見面的朋友打招呼時,除了 Hi! Hello!我們可以這樣說

• How’ve you been lately? 最近如何?

• What are you into recently ?你最近的興趣是什麼 (對某些事熱衷或入迷)

• How was your day? 今天過得如何 ?

• You look great today? Good news? 你今日好像很好喎! 有什麼好消息?!

• Where are you heading? 你要去哪裏 (在街上遇到朋友的時候可以這樣說)

• You look down today. What happen? You don’t look too well today, are you ok?, 發生咩事?

• Such a terrible weather, isn’t it / The weather is so terrible, isn’t it?今天天氣真的很差, 對嗎?

• May I ask you a question ? 我可以問你一個問題?

• Do you have any pets? 你有冇養任何寵物I’m planning to adopt a puppy from RSPCA 我正計劃從 RSPCA 收養一隻小狗。

• What do you usually do on the weekends? 通常週末你會做什麼?

• What do you usually do during your past time? 你平時消遣 (pastime) 做什麼?

此文章節錄於我們的 "英國移民英語課程” ; 內容包括 處理生活大小事務、銀行、租住房屋、衣食住行及生活休閒等不同範圍 : 詳情可到我們的 網站了解更多


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