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溫故知新 - 在餐廳常用英語語句


Do you have set meals? 你們有套餐嗎?

Do you serve alcohol? 你們這裏有沒有酒精供應?

Yes, we serve alcohol here. 我們提供酒精類飲品。

There is a bar area just next to our waiting area. 酒吧範圍就在等位區旁邊。

You can have a drink while waiting to be seated. 你可以在等候就坐之前先點一個飲品。

Is this dish spicy? 這款菜式是辣 (spicy) 的嗎?

That’s it for now. We’ll order if it’s not enough. 暫時就這樣。如果不足夠(食物)時我們再落單。

Do you have a special menu for Father’s day? 父親節你們有特別餐單嗎?

Is everything here a-la-carte? 在這裏的是否都是單點?

“A-la-carte” 這個字源於法文,意思指在餐廳內獨立點選不同款式的食品 或飲品等。相反,套餐是table d'hôte,但一般較普遍的叫法則是 “set menu” 。這裏的 “set” 意思是「固定的」,午市套餐會叫 “set lunch”/ “lunch special”、晚市會叫 “set dinner”/ “dinner special”。

Is there anything you’d like to suggest for tonight? 你今晚有什麼好提議?

What’s your house special/ signature dish? 你們的招牌飲品/菜式 (house special/ signature dish) 是什麼?

What is the soup of the day? 今天的是日餐湯是甚麼?

侍應會這樣回答: “We have Borscht soup羅宋湯 / lobster soup龍蝦湯 / cream soup忌廉湯/ clam chowder soup周打蜆湯/ onion soup 洋蔥湯/ peas soup 綠豆湯/ vegetable soup 雜菜湯/ minestrone soup 意大利雜菜湯. ”

大家在外地點湯的時候,千萬不要當作在茶餐廳一樣叫紅湯、白湯 “red soup, white soup”。

Can I change my order for orange juice to coffee please? 我可以把已點的橙汁改做咖啡嗎?

Are these dishes enough for 4 of us? 這些菜式(份量)足夠我們四個人嗎?

Excuse me, we didn’t order this dish. 不好意思,我們沒有點這個菜式。

Could you please give me an extra fork / knife / bowl? 可不可以多給我一隻叉/ 刀/ 碗?

You may bring us dessert now. 你現在可以上甜品了。

I don’t think I need anything. I’m stuffed. 我想我不需要再點什麼了。我已經吃飽 (stuffed).

Can we wrap up what we haven’t finished? 我們可否把還未吃完的(食物)打包 (wrap up) 嗎?

Can I have plastic box for that? Do I need to pay for it? 我可否要一個塑膠盒 (plastic box)?需要額外俾錢嗎?

I like the food and the ambience/ atmosphere here. 我喜歡這裏的食品及環境氣氛 (ambience/ atmosphere)。


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