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英文挑戰 - 提供的產品及服務提供相關資訊 II

在一些場合,例如現場環境嘈吵或接收情況不佳或需要來電人士在復述有關查詢/ 疑問。這個時候你可以這樣說


-I’m not sure if I understand correctly. Did you mean...?/ 我唔肯定我是否正確...你意思係...

-I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. 對不起我聽不清楚 Could you repeat that please? 你可否再重複一次I beg your pardon, ...... 不好意思

-“Thanks for calling, Yes, we have that 多謝你的來電,我們有......./ we can arrange that for you 我們可以為你安排, how many would you like 你要多少個/ When 何時....?

-I am sorry. This colour is very popular and currently ran out of stock. Will you prefer red instead? 不好意思,這隻顏色十分受歡迎因此現正缺貨, 你會考慮紅色嗎?

Caller: very well, never mind. I like that colour too. 可以,冇問題,我都喜歡那隻顏色.

Receiver: “Thank you for your understanding.” 謝謝你的諒解

Receiver: Would you be interested? 你有興趣嗎?/ we can offer some discount if you order xxx我們可提供折扣優惠如果你下單....(engage with the customer; get their opinion on the product/service) 與顧客建立關係索取意見

Caller: Great, I would like to order xxxxx. 好!我想落單購買.....

無論是一些簡單的總結,很多時候我們需要向來電人士確認及提供有關跟進方式。 以下是一些例子可作參考: -


  1. Thank you very much for your order 多謝你的下單

  2. I’ll write this up and email you the confirmation by the end of today. 我會寫下及以電郵方式於今日內將確認發送給你

  3. I’ll email you the information that we have discussed. 我會電郵有關我們今日討論的資

  4. May I have your contact details please / Email address...我可否索取你的聯絡資料/電郵地址

  5. I will follow up with the requested information soon. 我會稍後跟進有關查詢資訊

  6. I will keep you updated on our progress. 我會跟你更新我們的進度

Receiver: “Please let me know if you have any other questions 其他問題請告訴我. Thank you and have a nice day! 祝你有個愉快的一日”


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