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英文挑戰 - 未能使用信用卡成功購物

因未能使用信用卡 (credit card) 成功購物向網上職員查詢

C: Client 客人 S: Customer Service Officer 客戶服務專員

C: Hello, my name is Sophia. I’d ordered a few items on your website. I checked today and the order’s still on pending. May I know what'd happened? The order was made on the 13th September. My order number is 4z13-1a23. 你好,我的名稱是 Sophia。我在你們網上網站訂購 (ordered) 了數件貨品。我今天檢查的時候發現訂單的情況仍然在「等待處理中」 (pending)。我想知道發生甚麼事情。訂單是於9月13號下的。我的訂單號碼是 4z13-1a23。

S: Hi. Thank you, Madam. Let me pull up your information and have a look…Our record shows that the pending status is a result of declined credit card. The system cannot verify the owner of the Mastercard. 謝謝你。讓我找出 (pull up) 你的資料及看一看......我們的記錄顯示等待中這個狀態是因為 (is a result of) 你的信用卡被拒收 (declined credit card) 產生的。資料顯示系統未能驗證 (verify) Mastercard 的持有人 (owner) 身份。

C: That’s impossible. I’d used the same Mastercard the day before, and the day after on other online purchase. There weren’t any problems at all. Can you check with your IT department and see what’s causing the problem. I’m a little bit worried about it. 這沒有可能的 (impossible),我於前一日及之後一日使用同一張 Mastercard 而沒有任何問題。你可否跟你們的資訊科技部門聯絡及看一看是什麼原因導致這個情況。我有點擔心 (a little bit worried)。

S: Sure, Sophia! May I suggest you login and cancel the order? Let’s see if that works for you. In the meantime6, our IT technician will take a look at your case and reply you shortly. 當然可以!我可否提議你先嘗試登入然後取消訂單。同時,我們的資訊科技部同事將會看一看你的情況,之後再回覆你。

6 除了 “in the meantime” 之外,還可以 “for the time being” 及 “meanwhile” 表達「同時」的意思。

C: Okay. Maybe I’ll wait for your colleague’s follow-up email before I cancel the order. Thank you for your help! 好,或許在我取消訂單之前我再等一下你同事跟進的電郵,謝謝你的幫忙!

S: You’re welcome! Is there anything else I could do for you today? 不用客氣! 現階段有沒有其他事我可以幫助你?

C: No. I’m fine for now. I look forward to your reply. Bye here. 沒有,現在一切很好了。我期待你們的回覆。再見。

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