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英文挑戰 - 與大廈管理代表對話

R: Resident 住客 C: Concierge/ Building Caretaker 大廈保安員

R: Hi! I am resident on the 15th floor and I am calling to talk about the hygiene of the public area, in particularly the lobby. 我是15樓的住客,我想提出一些有關公共環境的衛生 (hygiene) 問題,尤其是大堂 (lobby)。

Also, I would like to talk about our lift. It has been out of order since last Monday. When will it be fixed? 我亦想談談升降機的問題。它從上星期一開始已經壞掉 (out of order),請問何時才可以修理好 (fixed)?

C: Thank you, sir. We have received a couple of complaints regarding the hygiene of the lobby. We’d called up our cleaning contractor to get it fixed as soon as possible. 謝謝你,先生。關於 (regarding) 大堂的衛生情況,我們也都接收到數個 (a couple of) 投訴 (complaints)。我們已經聯絡了我們的合約清潔公司 (cleaning contractor) 盡快 (as soon as possible) 解決問題。

R: Great. What about the lift then? 太好了,那麼升降機?

C: Currently, we are working closely with the manufacturer. They promise the issue will be fixed by early next week. We apologise for the inconvenience we caused you and your family. 現階段 (Currently),我們將與電梯製造商 (manufacturer) 緊密聯絡。他們承諾問題將會在下個星期初 (early next week) 解決。我們為你及你家人造成的不便 (inconvenience) 致歉 (apologise)。

R: That’s fine. Thank you. 太好了!謝謝你!



1) Contractor 承辦商

2) Manufacturer 製造商

3) Supplier 供應商

4) Retailer 零售商

5) Maintenance department 維修部

6) Customer service department顧客服務部

7) Logistics/ Delivery service department運輸部

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