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如何介紹自己 (進階篇) C



Hi, I am Sophia and this is my partner Darcy. We are from Sydney and we moved to Britain around three years ago. We are deeply moved by the culture and lifestyle in London so we decided to stay here after our last visit. Anyway, how about you? I know you are from Hong Kong. How is it now? Darcy always want to go and visit Hong Kong. What is the best time of the year to visit Hong Kong?

你好我是Sophia 而這個是我的伴侶Darcy。我們來自雪梨, 而大約三年前我們移居英國。自從上次我們前來後,我們深深嚮往 (deeply moved) 倫敦這裏的文化氣息 (culture) 及社交生活 (lifestyle),因此而決定定居下來。話時話你又如何? 我知道你們來自香港,現在香港怎麼樣? Darcy 常常希望前往香港,你覺得一年之中什麼時候我們去會最好?

I overheard from _______ that you were a teacher at the President Education in Hong Kong and are currently looking for a job here. We have some contacts/connections around here so we may be able to help you. Since the COVID-19, the economy is still recovering so there might not be a lot of choices you can choose from.

我聽說你是首學府的老師, 而現在正尋找工作。我們在這裏有一些人脈 (some connections) ,所以你可以告訴我你在尋找那一類型的工作。自從新冠疫情之後, 這裏的經濟正慢慢復甦 (recovering), 所以並沒有很多工作上的選擇。

If it is alright with you, I can connect you with some of the locals here and see if there is any job availability in the schools or other community services groups. I heard there are a few openings at the Tesco Express. The pay is not bad so you can think about it.

所以如果你不介意我可以把你與一些本地人士聯繫 (hook someone up) 起來,以看看在學校或其他社區服務團體中有沒有任何工作。我也聽見Tesco Express 有一些聘請 (some opening; open = ‘開’的意思,但這裏有 ‘空缺招聘崗位’ 的意思 ),而且人工待遇不錯,你可以考慮一下。

Anyway, we’d got your back! Everything will be alright!

點樣也好,我們會支持你! 一切會很好的!

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