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如何介紹自己 (進階篇) 範例 B


Hey, I am Peter Conor O'Sullivan and this is my wife Dora. You can call me Pete. Nice meeting you!

你好我的名字叫做 Peter Conor O'Sullivan 而這一個是我的妻子Dora. 你可以叫我做Pete. 很高興認識你。

(這裏,中間的 ‘Conor’ 正是我們常說的 middle name (中間名字))

I'm from Ireland. We moved to this neighbourhood a bit earlier than you. We live in Dickson Street, three streets from where we are now. My Friend Kashvi told me about you and it’s truly an honour to meet you. So, If you need anything, just give me a call. Dora always love to help! ! !

我來自愛爾蘭 (Ireland)。我們早一陣子前來這個社區。我們住在Dickson Street; 距離這裏三條街。我的朋友 Kashvi 告訴我有關你們,真係非常榮幸認識你們。所以,如果你需要什麼東西,請隨時打電話給我, Dora非常喜歡幫助人。

I heard from Kashvi that you are from Hong Kong, I love Hong Kong and I’ve been there 10 years ago. It’s such a wonderful place. It was the best time of my life when I was working in Hong Kong. So, how is it now? I still miss the Chinese food a lot!

Kashvi 告訴我你們來自香港; 我非常喜歡香港, 而我曾經10年前居住過香港。 香港是一個非常美麗的地方, 而我在香港工作的時間可以說是我人生一個最美滿的時期。 現在香港怎麼樣? 我仍然非常懷念當地的中國美食! Anyway, we form a daddy support group. Fill free to join us anytime if you need local support. There will be football league once every week so we can hang around to meet new friends. Just come and have fun! ! Also, on every Friday night, , we will hang out after work for a drink. Please join us if you are interested.

說起,我們成立了一個爸爸支援群組 (daddy support group)。 如果你有需要及有空閒時可以加入我們。我們每個星期會舉辦一次足球聯賽 (football league)。目的是為了讓我們聯誼及認識新朋友。請來看看吧! 還有每個星期五晚上, 我們都會一起 (hang out) 前往出外飲酒 (for a drink),看看你有沒有興趣加入我們?

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